Kosmicher Läufer x Knatchbull Deck

We get by with a lot of help from our friends, and are very proud to share the inaugural Knatchbull Artist edition. Starting with what might be a personal best, we’ve teamed up with UCR label, who are the custodians of the enigmatic Kosmischer Läufer project.
For those that don’t know, Kosmischer Läufer was the brainchild of a young musician named Martin Zeichnete, who in the early 1970’s found himself working for the East German Nationales Olympisches Komitee, producing repetitive, motorik beats as a training aid for East German state athletes. Known to the government as State Plan 14.84L, Martin and his fellow musicians informally called it ‘Projekt Kosmischer Läufer’ (Cosmic Runner). Hidden from a broader audience until many years later when they were discovered by UCR, the resultant tracks have today been made available across an incredible series of albums, all of which are lovingly packaged and presented for maximum audio-sensory enjoyment.
We are so grateful to UCR and Kosmischer Läufer for collaborating on this run of decks and can’t wait to welcome more artists to the family.
Buy the board, and the albums, and get training. (Guaranteed to increase pop by 67%)*
*Unless you are @d0jo_ in which case there is nothing more we can do for you.
Each deck purchase with also come with a free 'Volume 1' Bandcamp download code and you can check out more Kosmicher Läufer merch on their website here.